Osko XR5

XR5 is very familiar convention DR solution working with our Edge series (Wired & Wireless FPD) and Flugel user intuitive image acquisition and post-processing software.
Beginning into Digital: Compact and cost effective system with minimal space.
Beginning of throughput workflow: High Quality & reliable image output makes you to reduce diagnostic time for patient with an easy operating procedure.
Beginning of quality patient care: Offering the wide spectrum of clinical application with a digital image but minimal X-ray dose.

Contact us for price

For pricing information contact us

1-866 633 4876 or 305 994 9294


XR5 is very familiar convention DR solution working with our Edge series (Wired & Wireless FPD) and Flugel user intuitive image acquisition and post-processing software.
Beginning into Digital: Compact and cost effective system with minimal space.
Beginning of throughput workflow: High Quality & reliable image output makes you to reduce diagnostic time for patient with an easy operating procedure.
Beginning of quality patient care: Offering the wide spectrum of clinical application with a digital image but minimal X-ray dose.

Stay affordable

XR5 itself is very affordable conventional X-ray with modern design and easy upgrade-ready for OSKO’s advance digital solution which is Edge series, Flat Panel upgrade package.
With Edge series DR upgrade package, it meets all your need for a small space and affordable investment in productivity and also eliminate your continuous cost for film & CR.


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